Author Archives: psadmin

Sales and Services Tax (SST) Increasing from 6% to 8%

根据马来西亚政府在 2024 年财政预算案中宣布,将从 2024 年 3 月 1 日起调整销售及服务税(SST)税率,从 6% 增加至 8%。Presoft 产品和服务的服务税率调整也将随之增加至8%。 我们鼓励客户在 2024 年 3 月 1 日之前提前续订或订购产品和服务,以便可以采用当前税率。 如果您对此变更有任何疑问或疑虑,请随时与我们联系以获取更多信息,谢谢 !! As per the announcement made during the 2024 Budget by the Malaysian Government, there will be an adjustment in the sales and service service tax (SST) rate, increasing from 6% to 8%, effective…

Payroll Training Class


Good News! We’re hosting a FREE training session online for AutoCount Cloud Payroll. This online training will cover 6 practical topics and will be available separately in English and Mandarin sessions.
Please register your preferred session now via the Registration link below:

好消息! 我们正即将举办免费线上培训课程。此在线培训将涵盖 6 个实用主题,将分别以英语和普通话提供。请立即通过以下链接注册课程: