


- Application scripting for AutoCount

Custom Report / Inquiry / Notification

- Add Report Inquiry (Grid), Preview and Printing function

- Included One (1) report format

Custom Import Data

- Import data from custom excel format (clipboard / import csv)

Machine Service Module

- Machine-Service Module

  - Machine Maintenance

  - Job Type Maintenance

  - Machine Inquiry by Serial

  - Service Report

Price Checker (POS) Module

- Android Price Checker App for Android Tab

Document Approval Module

- Email & Android App Approval

Scale Module

- Export Item to Scale – RongTa, Bizerba, etc.

Inter-billing Module

- Custom Inter-billing

Contract / Custom Cost Module

- Maintain contract cost by Customer by Item by date period

- Profit Margin Report

WMS Integration

- Integration with Warehouse Management System (LeafClover)

- Sales (SO, DO, IV, DN, CN)

- Purchase (PO, GR, PI, PR)
- General (Debtor, Creditor, Item, Branch, Credit Limit etc.)

- Method: FTP csv file

WMS Integration

- Integration with Warehouse Management System (RGTech)

- Sales (ARInvoice, ARDN, ARCN)

- Purchase (APInvoice, APDN, APCN)

- General (Debtor, Creditor, Branch, Credit Limit etc.)

- Method: Web API

PMS Integration

- Integration with Property Management System (RentGuard)

- Sales Invoice

- AR Payment & KnockOff

- Method: import csv file

WooCommerce Integration

- Stock Item Mapping

- Customer Mapping

- Order Sync – AutoCount Sales Order / Invoice

- Stock Item Balance Sync to WooCoomerce

- Sync Wizard (for new setup)

  - From AC to WC (One way)

  - Full Sync and auto mapping

RFID Stock Take Module

- Mobile Stock (Android) with RFID Scanning Capability

- Data uploaded and comparison in AutoCount

Mock BOM Module

- Create mock BOM Maintenance for Cost & Selling price estimation

- Post to AutoCount BOM Maintenance when confirmed

Custom Scanning Module

- Modify AutoCount Barcode scanning function

- Scan barcode with additional information (BatchNo)

- Barcode Configuration (Length, starting digit, etc.)

Customer Barcode Printing Module

- Using customer provided barcode for printing

- Allow print barcode from AutoCount Transactions (SO, DO, IV) with mapped customer-item barcode

Update Selling Price Module

- Auto update item selling price (1-6) from purchase transactions (PI)

- Selling Price history log

Customer Non Reorder Item Inquiry

- Inquiry non reorder invoice item detail listing by Customer

- Configure Aging Days (Universal)

- Include Report format A4 X 1

Profit Margin Module

(Motor Vehicle)

- Vehicle Maintenance

- AutoCount Sales & Purchase Transaction Enhancement to record extra details (Repair, Insurance, P/F etc.)

- Include Profit Margin Report

  - Report format A4 X 1