About the Update Item Selling Price Plugin

  • The plugin let the user to change specific item selling price.
  • This plugin can let the user review back the history of a specific item selling price changing. 

Why Use Update Item Selling Price Plugin

Features of The Plugin


Update Item Selling Price

The user must first add the markup and markdown costs after selecting the filter. The user must then click Inquire for all of the results to appear. The user then needs to decide the price they want to update before pressing the update button.

Set Manual/ Auto Update Selling Price

The user can enable the auto update setting for purchase invoices and item maintenance in this section. Then, in order for the auto update capability to function effectively, the user must go to item maintenance and adjust the markup and markdown amounts.


Selling Price History 

The user need to choose the filter they want then press inquiry. The system will take show all the related results in here.

Features of Update Item Selling Price Plugin


Update Item Selling Price

After the user choose the filter, press inquiry to show all the related results. Then the user need to choose which item they want to update price and type the price in the column or the markup and markdown function column. Then press the update button to update the new price into the system.


Set Manual/ Auto Update Selling Price

In here, the user can enable the auto update setting for item maintainace and purchase invoice. Then, the user need to go to item maintainace to setup the markup and markdown amount so the auto update feature can work properly. 

Selling Price History 

The user need to choose the filter they want then press inquiry. The system will take show all the related results in here. 

Demo Video for The Plugin

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People Who Need The Plugin

Requirement to Download The Update Item Selling Price

For Futher Guideline of the Plugin, Download Our Documentation About The Plugin.