Selangor SME Digitalisation Matching Grant

Good News‼ Good News‼ Good News‼
📢SIDEC’s Selangor SME Digitalisation Matching Grant is here! The Selangor Government is providing a 50% matching grant or a maximum of RM5,000 for state SMEs to subscribe to the chosen digital service provider.
The grant, worth a total of RM 5 million only, estimate to benefit 1,000 companies, aims to help Selangor SMEs to digitalise their businesses in weathering the Covid-19 storm. 🎉
Presoft is an official Digital Service Provider (DSP) for Selangor SME Digitalisation Matching Grant endorsed by SIDEC.
Presoft is providing business solution for Accounting System and E-POS & Payment Gateway category under this matching grant.
📢Hurry up‼ The application is on first come first serve basis‼
Feel free to contact us for more information.
好消息‼ 好消息‼ 好消息‼
📢SIDEC 的 雪兰莪 中小型企业数码化的配套补助来了! 雪州政府提供一个 50%最高 RM5,000 的配套补助给雪州的 中小型企业。业主可以跟证据自己的需求去跟数码化服务提供者购买系统。
这个配套补助金的总金额只有 5 百万令吉,估计有 1,000 间公司会受益, 这个配套补助的目标是要帮助雪州的中小型企业数码化他们的企业,以便能在这新冠病毒 的艰难时刻让其生意有起色。🎉
Presoft 已经在SIDEC成功注册成为官方的数码服务提供者 (DSP)!
在此配套补助下,Presoft 有提供的企业解决方案是 Accounting系统 和 E-POS & Payment Gateway。
📢快快快‼ 这个配套的申请方式会根据先到先得的原则‼
Contact us now 现在就联络我们
📞 Office : 03 80682556
📱 KahYean : 011 2665 2556
📱 Shawn : 016 205 376
📱 Jason : 016 209 3883
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